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Monday, November 5, 2018

If I only had a brain....

Our girl can't remember anything that happened this week so here we go!!! Haha!

Today was a ton of fun!! Elder Ferguson (the director up here at the Memorial) drove us all around the site for like 3 hours! It was cold, but a ton of fun! We got to see all the things that other people don't haha! And we went exploring through the woods in our dresses and stuff haha! It was a ton of fun!!

The only thing I can remember from this past week was how exhausted I am haha!!! The other night we were driving home from the church and I was just straight up exhausted and so anyways, we're driving. I come to this slight bend in the road and out of habit turn my blinker on. It took me about 5 seconds to realize that there wasn't anywhere else to go and so I didn't need to turn on my blinker, but then my companion and I just burst out laughing!! Haha!! I can't believe I did that! Haha!

Anyways, no matter how hard I try I can't think of anything else......

Oh we also saw a porcupine! I have no proof but I did see one!

I love y'all so much and I know that the Lord loves y'all even more!! 

Sister Warburton


The 4 wheeler that we were riding around in, haha I wasn't actually driving it though, no worries haha!!

A drawing that I did of a character for a story that my zone is creating haha!

The sunset :)

The lights up at the memorial!! AREN'T THEY GORGEOUS!!!

Sister Nye and me up at the top of patriarch hill (if you look veryy closely you can see the monument in the background :))

The old patriarch tree

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