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Monday, November 26, 2018

'Tis the Season!

Hello Hello!!!

One of my fillings fell out on Tuesday Haha, so I went to get that filled today. 

Wednesday I woke up feeling sick and threw up. So I took a nap and we stayed in until about noon when I felt somewhat better and decided we should go out and work haha! We were also able to decorate a Christmas Tree up at the JSM (Joseph Smith Birthplace Memorial) which made my night!

Thursday was THANKSGIVING!!!! That was a lot of fun! We went and did some service and helped make Thanksgiving meals to people who couldn't afford to make thanksgiving dinner. Then we went up to the JSM and had dinner with all the senior missionaries and the people without family in the ward. That was a lot of fun and I decided that if I couldn't be with my family that I am glad that I could be with My family away from family :)

Friday was the lighting ceremony at the JSM!!! It was beautiful and so much fun! I also accidentally backed into another car, but no damage was done so we are all okay haha!!

Saturday we had a very dramatic evening and I ended up crying haha, but It's truly amazing what the Atonement of Jesus Christ can do for a person! 

Sunday I was very distracted and didn't pay attention at all during church, but I felt the spirit a lot so that's good!!

Life is so good! And trials are here to help us grow!! I can testify that as we turn to God during our trials we will be healed and we will become more like him! Learn of Him! Love Him! Follow HIM!! 

I love you all so much!! and I hope you have a wonderful day!!

Sister Warburton

-It got down to 5 DEGREES on thanksgiving!
-Missionaries at the JSM for the Lights
-The Tunbridge Store: where Lucy Mack and Joseph Smith Sr met!!
-More missionaries at the JSM
-Mill Bridge
-Thanksgiving Dinner group
-The tree we decorated!!
-More Missionaries!! Woohoo!!
-The day of Thanksgiving
-More missionaries with Bro Sypher aka Santa
-Thanksgiving dinner
-More giant icicle
-More Thanksgiving Day
-Do I look like Santa??

Monday, November 19, 2018

How many miracles can you fit in a week??


I don't have ton of time so I'll probably just send a lot of pictures, but we saw a ton of miracles this week and had some really cool experiences!! 

I know that as we turn to God and look to him for guidance and comfort he will provide it!! All we need to do is ask for his help, reach out and be patient. Help will come, we will be delivered from our trials and we will be able to keep moving forward!

I love you all so much! Sorry for the short letter, but here are some pictures to make up for it!!

Sister Warburton

I was a cold banana!
The lights on the church building!!!
My first time shoveling snow!!!
more lights 
more lights and funny faces
it was 14 degrees outside!!!!! ðŸ˜¬
more snow shoveling
a cute picture I drew on a chalk board at the church
a beautiful sunset!! (at 4 in the afternoon ðŸ˜µ)
All of the stuff I managed to fit into my bag!!! haha!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

What do you call a cat in the middle of the road??

Answer: A pine cone!!! hahahahaha! 

So last week I mentioned that we saw a porcupine in the road right?? Well the other day I saw a cat and I was trying to say, "Is that a porcupine??" but what came out was, "Is that a PINE CONE???" So yes, if you see a cat in the middle of the road, call it a pine cone!! Hahaha! ðŸ˜‚😂

Honestly my mind is in such a blur I have no idea what happened Haha! 

Oh! The email is coming late this week because we had transfers! So I am staying in SoRo as well as Sister Nye! Woohoo! I was real stressed that I was going to leave the week before they turned the lights on haha!! I'm staying tho! So it should be good!! 

So yesterday was a regular missionary day and we went and did normal missionary like things haha! We met this crazy lady who told us that if we want to know all the things that are wrong with the Book of Mormon to go talk to Pastor Josh at the Red Door Church and he would tell us! Oh and then to let him know when other missionaries were coming so that he could talk to them as well! It made me laugh because she was kind of insane Haha!

Oh hey! It snowed today!! That was pretty cool! It's so pretty here!! If you can just picture the perfect winter wonderland, I'm living in it!!

Well That is literally all I can remember so maybe next week I'll bring my journal, cause I remember laughing a lot this week, but I don't remember what I laughed at soooo..... Haha!!! 

This week I was reading in Mosiah and I stumbled across Mosiah 26:30 which says, 
"Yea, and as often as my people repent will I forgive them their trespasses against me." 
Which I loved when I read it just by itself!! But then in the next chapter Alma the younger is introduced and he is described as a "very wicked and idolatrous man." Later it also says that he was among "the very vilest of sinners." Those are some pretty harsh judgments that he has placed on him. But what I love about Alma the younger's story is that he proves Mosiah 26:30! Alma 45:18-19 says, 

"And when Alma had done this he departed out of the land of Zarahemla, as if to go into the land of Melek. And it came to pass that he was never heard of more; as to his death or burial we know not of. Behold, this we know, that he was a righteous man." 
erse 19 gives me chills every time I read it because it is amazing to me how with Christ's Gospel you can go from being among the vilest of sinners to not only being a righteous person, but everyone knowing that you were righteous!! Christ is amazing, the gospel is true!! Follow Him and you can be forgiven too!! (hey!! I just rhymed!!)

I love y'all so so much!! Have a wonderful week!!!

Sister Warburton :D


Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow, and some district pictures :)

Monday, November 5, 2018

If I only had a brain....

Our girl can't remember anything that happened this week so here we go!!! Haha!

Today was a ton of fun!! Elder Ferguson (the director up here at the Memorial) drove us all around the site for like 3 hours! It was cold, but a ton of fun! We got to see all the things that other people don't haha! And we went exploring through the woods in our dresses and stuff haha! It was a ton of fun!!

The only thing I can remember from this past week was how exhausted I am haha!!! The other night we were driving home from the church and I was just straight up exhausted and so anyways, we're driving. I come to this slight bend in the road and out of habit turn my blinker on. It took me about 5 seconds to realize that there wasn't anywhere else to go and so I didn't need to turn on my blinker, but then my companion and I just burst out laughing!! Haha!! I can't believe I did that! Haha!

Anyways, no matter how hard I try I can't think of anything else......

Oh we also saw a porcupine! I have no proof but I did see one!

I love y'all so much and I know that the Lord loves y'all even more!! 

Sister Warburton


The 4 wheeler that we were riding around in, haha I wasn't actually driving it though, no worries haha!!

A drawing that I did of a character for a story that my zone is creating haha!

The sunset :)

The lights up at the memorial!! AREN'T THEY GORGEOUS!!!

Sister Nye and me up at the top of patriarch hill (if you look veryy closely you can see the monument in the background :))

The old patriarch tree