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Monday, September 10, 2018

Christmas In September!!!


This week was a good one!! We had a lot of good times! 

Wednesday we went up to VTC Campus to have a lesson with our friend Jacob and the lesson went really well! So as we were leaving Sister Macbeth starts driving away and I'm checking something on the phone and I hear Sister Macbeth go "Oh.. wait..." And I look up and we're driving down one of the campus sidewalks that's just really wide haha! So I jump out of the car to back her up and this one guy is just watching us laughing and he goes, "How's that working out for you?" Anyways, it was pretty funny!

Oh we're also doing a booth at the Bethel Forward Festival and when we first applied to get into the fair, the lady was like, "Oh I thought you already had a booth." and it turns out that they had been trying to get a hold of us to set up a booth! So that was pretty cool that they wanted us to be there!!

Friday we went over to dinner at the Turinetti's and they are so fun!! They have like 12 kids and all of them are just the sweetest people! 
Saturday as we were walking around talking to people we found two new people to teach and they are way cool!! I seriously love the people of Vermont!!

Sunday was such a good day!! Every Sunday we go and visit this cute old lady and the past few weeks she's been a little down and so we were trying to figure out how we could bring her a little joy and we figured what better way to spread joy than to bring Christmas to her!! So we put on our Santa hats, grabbed out our tiny Christmas tree, made some cookies and threw them in a gift bag! We came in singing Christmas Carols and she loved it!! Then we decided we would to the same thing for the other member we were visiting that night and he thought we were out of our minds insane! Haha!! It was so fun!! 

Today has just been a nice relaxing day and it was just wonderful!! 

I love you all so much!! Have a great week and know that you are loved!!! Here is a poem I wrote the other day!!

A Penny's Blessing
In the morning mist, my head was bowed,
I stared down at the ground.
I walked until my feet did still,
a penny I had found!
I heard a voice that said, "Look up!"
"God's trying to bless you!"
My eyes looked round, but not up high.
I walked on through the dew.
In midday sun, my head was bowed,
I stared down at the ground.
I walked until my feet stopped still,
a penny I had found!
I heard a voice that said, "Look up!"
"God wants to help you now!"
My eyes looked round, but not up high.
I walked on through the crowd.
In evening light, my head was bowed,
I stared down at the ground.
I walked until my feet stopped still,
a penny I had found!
I heard a voice that said, "Look up!"
"There is no need to fret!"
My face turned up towards the sky,
a beautiful sunset!
Though scared I was, to look up high,
I let my faith take hold.
When, finally, I turned to God,
the blessings did unfold.
Sometimes a penny's blessing shows
how much God wants you to
look up to Him in faith, and ask,
"What would you have me do?"

Look up!! There is so much to see!! Love you all so much!! 


Sister Warburton

Off we go into Vermont's  Green Mountains!!

Fun brick wall??

More sunsets and me :)

Wishing tree in Randolph!

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